Maybe we were more similar than I thought

My family is very small. My parents got divorced when I was 7 so it's pretty much just been me, my mom, and brother with the thrown in occasional visit with my dad. 

I never really knew my maternal grandmother because she died when I was 3. I've been told that I am very similar to her and we would really get along. I wish I knew if that were true because I would love to know what it feels like to be close to more members of my family. 

I don't think about things like this very often, but these feelings were brought on very strongly last weekend. My mother and I went through a box of things my her father had saved throughout the years. He died about a year and a half ago and we have slowly organized things and started to decide what we need to keep. 

A few things really stood out to me. I found my grandfather's college transcript from when he was a student at Oklahoma City University. I only had a small amount of knowledge what my grandfather did for work because he was retired for all of my life. I knew he did something to do with insurance, but I found it very interesting that insurance didn't seem to be what he was studying to become. 

I found class names like "Advertising Principles" and "Experimental Psychology." The first one stood out to me the most because advertising is the field I plan to enter after college. I wonder if my grandfather tried, but the jobs weren't there so he took jobs doing other things. I wonder if my grandfather had the same passions as me, and we were never able to talk about it. 


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